Community Treatment Residence (CTR)
Centerboard’s 8-bed CTR serves male and female youth ages 12-18 referred by the Department of Children & Families. The program provides residents an opportunity to live in a trauma-informed, therapeutic, supportive environment while safely accessing the community. Along with clinical support, the program assists youth with meeting their educational and vocational goals.
Our CTR is staffed 24/7 with a daytime staff ratio of 1:4. The building is in a residential neighborhood close to downtown Lynn. The Group Home is located near our Family Resource Center, We Rise, and T.R.U.E. Mentor Programs for ease of accessibility by all residents. Bedrooms are doubles or triples with two shared bathrooms. All meals are provided.
Services Offered
Trauma-Informed, Individualized Treatment Planning
Permanency work beginning at intake
Psycho-educational groups
Educational and vocational planning and support
Recreational activities
Individualized Behavior Support Plans
Crisis support
Coordination of Individual therapy
Family Therapy
Individual supports toward independence and navigation to and through adult services
Health & Wellness
Coordination of Psychiatric Services & Medication
“Centerboard eliminated use of physical restraint in 2010”
Continuum of Care
Children and youth in out-of-home placement are best supported through a continuum of care that provides ongoing services from entry to exit. The goal of this approach is to use the most appropriate and least restrictive interventions while ensuring that safety issues and needs are addressed. Centerboard offers a continuum of care that includes services for youth reunifying with family, as well as a Youth & Young Adult Group Residence, Youth & Young Adult Supported Community Living, and Young Adult Supported Living for youth with a goal of APPLA.
Achieving Permanency
Centerboard Youth Service Programs practice Permanency-specific work with each young adult, using three essential strategies – Family Search and Engagement, Youth Guided Teaming and Permanency. Our Permanency services are designed to establish a significant adult connection in a youth’s life as they age out of many youth service programs. We believe our young adults are best prepared to transition to adulthood when they have at least one caring, committed adult in their life. Permanency planning options are identified through a youth guided activity, Safety Circles, where staff initiate conversations to address options with kinship and lifelong connections. Safety Circles allow the youth to identify who is important and visible in their life and build a network of support. The intended goal is to create a viable permanent plan, with a strong support network and to achieve permanent housing.